Transnational Connections: Musical Dialogues Between Global Peripheries

Call for papers
Transnational Connections: Musical Dialogues Between Global Peripheries
International Summer Workshop
School of Arts, University of Haifa
3-4 July 2017

The Forum for Contemporary Ethnomusicology is pleased to announce our second international summer workshop, in conjunction with the Music Department, School of Arts, University of Haifa. The theme of the workshop will be “Transnational connections: musical dialogues between global peripheries”. While transnational frameworks often highlight exchanges along axes of center-periphery, global North-global South etc, we would like to illuminate musical dialogues that operate between peripheries. How might such thinking might contribute to novel understanding of musical activity in multiple localities? What are the methodological challenges that transnational fieldwork poses to ethnomusicologists? How do processes such as musicians’ translocation and music circulation that crisscross national and cultural boundaries change over historical periods?

The workshop will include seminars on theoretical and conceptual issues, methodological and practical sessions on virtual ethnography, a panel on career skills for graduate students, and student presentations.

As in previous summer workshops, the heart of the program will be a masterclass, led by our distinguished guest: Dr Rachel Harris – SOAS, University of London.

The workshop will be held at the University of Haifa. Costs for the workshop are 100 NIS (25 USD). Participants are responsible for arranging accommodation: where possible we will organize homestays/housing in the University of Haifa (subject to availability).

The workshop language – presentations and discussion – will be English.

The workshop is open to ethnomusicologists (and scholars in adjacent fields) at all stages of their career. Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars are particularly invited to present their research (via a 20-minute paper) or to serve as a discussant in a panel. We encourage presentations relating to the main topic of the workshop, but suggestions of presentations on any topic will be considered.

All applicants should fill in the following form: – including an abstract (300 words) for those wishing to present a paper. Applications are due by 1 May 2017; paper presenters will be notified of acceptance by 15 May 2017. For enquiries please contact Yair Hashachar:

To join the email list of the Forum for Contemporary Ethnomusicology:, and the Facebook group: We are grateful to the Faculty of Humanities and School of Arts, University of Haifa, for their support of this workshop.