To Each Their Own Pop (call for essays)

Call for Essays – To Each Their Own Pop. Music, Cinema and Television in Europe in the Period of the Youth Movements (1960-1979)
Cinéma&Cie, no. 31 – Special issue edited by Massimo Locatelli, Alessandro Bratus and Miguel Mera

The scope of this issue is to gather papers related to a decisive period in the development of audiovisual media in contemporary Europe: the 60’s and 70’s are linked with different patterns of economic growth and consumption across different countries, but nevertheless related to the diffusion of television and the new technologies in the record industry, from both the point of view of production and reproduction. Such changes determined the emergence of new forms of expression, media aggregation and consumption behaviors with respect to the past.

Complete presentation of the project:

Contributors are asked to submit an abstract (300-500 words, 5 keywords, and 5 bibliographical references) and a short biographical note (150 words) to AND by January 31, 2018.

All notifications of acceptance will be sent no later than February 15, 2018. After the notice of acceptance, 4,000-word essays will then be required by May 30, 2018, then they will be subjected to peer review.