Call for papers
May 29–June 2 2012
Wilfrid Laurier University / University of Waterloo (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada)
The 47th Annual CSA Conference will be held from Tuesday May 29 through to Saturday June 2 2012. As usual, the CSA meetings will be held as part of the Canadian Federation of Humanities and Social Sciences Congress, this year taking place at Wilfrid Laurier University and the University of Waterloo, in Waterloo, Ontario.
Panel: Sociology of Music
Session Organizer: Athena Elafros, McMaster University Alumna,
This session invites papers on any aspect of the production, product and consumption of popular music. Of particular interest are Bourdieusian inspired studies of cultural production within a North American and/or transnational framework. Papers from subcultures, post-subcultures, scenes, neo-tribes and art worlds perspectives are also welcome. Preference will be given to empirical case studies employing qualitative methods. However, methodological and/or theoretical papers will also be considered.
Deadline: January 30 2012
Submission Process: All abstracts must be submitted online, through the conference submission system available at: