Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the launch of the online peer-reviewed journal Transposition – musique et sciences sociales No. 9 – “Music and Sexuality”, with contributions by Marion Brachet, Chiharu Chûjô, Aurore Flamion, Clara Wartelle-Sakamoto, Toby Young, Charlotte Vaillot Knudsen, Tia DeNora and Annegret Fauser. The issue aims to explore the seldom studied connections between music and sexuality, the relationship of sound and music to sex and desire. We also invite you to discover an interview with the argentine company Opera Queerand 23 book reviews of recent publications in musicology and social sciences. And popular music studies:
Wishing you a good read,
Esteban Buch, Violeta Nigro Giunta (eds.)
All the best,
Sarah, for the editorial team of Transposition