Hip Hop Studies: Global and Local

Call for papers
Hip Hop Studies: Global and Local
University of Helsinki, Finland
13 September 2014

The Finnish Youth Research Society and the University of Helsinki’s discipline of Social and Cultural Anthropology are pleased to announce an international and interdisciplinary symposium showcasing contemporary studies of hip hop from established and emerging scholars from Finland and around the world. Continue reading

Jazzomat Research Project

Jazzomat Research Project
Issues, Applications and Perspectives for Computational Methods in Music Research
26-27 September 2014
Hochschulzentrum am Horn
The Liszt School of Music Weimar

The workshop is part of the three-year research project Melodic and Rhythmic Features of Jazz Improvisation: Computer-based Analysis of Monophonic Jazz Solos, funded by German Research Foundation.

Workshop program and abstracts.

Music and Capitalism in Historical and Cross-Cultural Perspective

Call for papers
Music and Capitalism in Historical and Cross-Cultural Perspective
8 October 2014
Senate House, University of London
Convener: Dr Anna Morcom, Royal Holloway, University of London

The topic of music and its relationship to capitalism has received most attention in the context of popular music. This ranges from Adorno’s influential work on commodity fetishism in popular music (1978 [1938]), to recent work on advertising and corporations (Taylor 2012; Bradshaw 2008; Carah 2010), to more nuanced considerations of music’s commodity status (Taylor 2007). Continue reading

International Conference on the Blues

Call for papers
International Conference on the Blues
6-7 October 2014
Delta State University
Cleveland, Mississippi
Proposal Deadline: 1 June 2014

Delta State University is now accepting proposals for workshops, papers, presentations, and clinics for The International Conference on the Blues, which will be held 6-7 October 2014. Topics of general interest to scholars and enthusiasts are welcome: African American musical tradition and its influence on American music and culture; the Blues; folklore; history; ethnicity; and the Delta. Topics of an interdisciplinary nature are also encouraged. Continue reading

Carnivalising Pop: Music Festival Cultures Symposium

Carnivalising Pop: Music Festival Cultures
One-Day International Symposium
University of Salford
13 June 2014

… Newport. Beaulieu. Monterey. Notting Hill. Woodstock. Glastonbury. Nimbim. Roskilde. Reading. Stonehenge. Castlemorton. Love Parade. Burning Man… Popular music festivals are one of the strikingly successful and enduring features of seasonal popular cultural consumption for young people and older generations of enthusiasts. Notwithstanding the annual declaration of the ‘death of festival’, a dramatic rise in the number of music festivals in the UK and around the world has been evident as festivals become a pivotal economic driver in the popular music industry. In 2010, there were over 700 music festivals in Britain alone, and it is estimated that three million people attend music festivals a year. Today’s festivals range from the massive to community and ‘boutique’ events. Continue reading

Fan Studies Network 2014 Conference

Call for papers
Fan Studies Network 2014 Conference
Regent’s University, London, UK
27-28 September 2014

For two years the Fan Studies Network has provided a fruitful and enthusiastic space for academics interested in fans and fandom to connect, share resources, and develop their research ideas. Following the success of our first symposium in November 2013, we are delighted to announce the FSN2014 Conference, taking place over two days at Regent’s University London from 27-28 September 2014. Continue reading

2014 IASPM Norden Conference

Call for papers
Making Music – Producing Sound: The Nordic Angle
IASPM Norden Conference
Oslo, Norway
3–4 December 2014

We are happy to announce that the Nordic branch of IASPM will arrange a conference at the University of Oslo in collaboration with the 9th Art of Record Production conference. We will have a joint day and a keynote held by the Norwegian star production team Stargate open for participations from both conferences. Continue reading

A Long Way to the Top: The Production and Reception of Music in a Globalized World

Call for papers
A Long Way to the Top: The Production and Reception of Music in a Globalized World
Erasmus University Rotterdam
The Netherlands
6-7 November 2014

Once upon a time, a famous rock ‘n’ roll group sang about what it means to play in a music band. In their lyrics they touch upon the role of the music industry (‘getting sold’), the difficulties of a musical career (‘under-paid’ and ‘getting grey’) and music consumption (‘if you wanna be a star’), while celebrating music for music’s sake. As such, this song addresses many issues in the production and reception of popular music in the contemporary globalized world. Yet, recent developments in the field of music have changed the ‘way to the top’, such as governmental policy on music, the rise of new media, and the growing number of music festivals. Focusing on a select number of interrelated themes, this conference aims to bring together scholars from various countries each with their own perspective to engage in an international exchange of ideas and current research insights about music production and reception. Continue reading

One-Year Instructional Limited Term Appointment Brock University

Twelve-month Instructional Limited Term Appointment (ILTA)
Rank of Lecturer or Assistant Professor
To begin 1 July 2014
Department of Communication, Popular Culture and Film
Brock University

The candidate must have a PhD in hand or near completion. This is a teaching position requiring the equivalent of 8 one-semester courses in Media Communication and Popular Culture. The successful candidate may opt to teach the 8 course equivalent in the Fall/Winter term (4 in each term), or 6 courses in Fall/Winter and 2 in the Spring term. The successful candidate is expected to teach from among the following topics: Introduction to Popular Culture, Popular Music and Society, Popular Music and Youth Culture, Audience Studies, Advanced Topics in Digital Culture, Theories of Mass Culture, Taste and Popular Culture. Specific course assignment will be determined by the successful candidate’s preferred teaching pattern. Continue reading