Call for papers
Midwest Graduate Music Consortium
Seventeenth Annual Meeting, 12-13 April 2013, The University of Chicago
The Midwest Graduate Music Consortium (MGMC) is a joint venture organized by graduate students from Northwestern University, the University of Chicago and the University of Wisconsin-Madison, that encourages the presentation of original research in music and related fields by graduate and advanced undergraduate students. Conferences are held annually on a rotating basis, at Madison, Chicago, or Evanston.
The seventeenth annual MGMC meeting will be held on the campus of The University of Chicago, and will include paper sessions, a new music concert (a call for scores will follow shortly), and a keynote address delivered by James Currie, Associate Professor of Musicology at the University of Buffalo. While no travel funds are available, some meals are provided and limited housing may be available for presenters.
The MGMC program committee invites graduate and advanced undergraduate students to submit proposals for papers on any aspect of music study, including but not limited to ethnomusicology, historical musicology, music theory and analysis, music cognition, music education, performance practice. The MGMC selection committee welcomes papers on any topic. The committee has expressed particular interest in the following topics:
• the places and spaces of music
• the making and unmaking of musical objects
• the role(s) of silence
• the archive (conceptual and real)
• anniversaries of composers, works, or events
• musical anxieties
• music for film and television
All proposals should include the title of the paper and an abstract not exceeding 250 words. They should not include the author’s name or other identifying information. If necessary, a single supplemental page with musical examples, figures, tables, etc. may be included. Abstracts should be in 12-point font and double spaced, and must be submitted electronically in either word (.doc) or pdf format to Each applicant may submit up to two proposals but only one will be accepted for presentation.
A cover email that includes the applicant’s name, institutional affiliation, email address, phone number and required equipment (e.g. piano, CD-players, LCD-screen, etc.) for the proposed presentation should accompany each proposal.
All presentations will be 20 minutes, followed by 10 additional minutes for discussion. Proposals will be read for clarity, originality, and appropriateness for oral presentation. Although there is no single correct format, the program committee will look favorably on proposals that include a clear statement of the paper’s original contribution to scholarship in relation to prior research.
All proposals must be received by 5pm CST 7 January 2013. Acceptance notification will be emailed in the first week of February.
Questions? Please contact