Call for papers
IASPM UK and Ireland Biennial Conference
Worlds of Popular Music
University College, Cork
Popular music creates worlds around its listeners, temporary, often intimate, and feelingful environments within which the act of listening occurs. It meanwhile plays significant roles in the global flows of capitalism, politics, tourism and migration, and inflects the virtual spaces opened up online by digital technology. New research work, of all approaches, is welcome; those proposing papers should make clear how their presentation will shed new light on the relationships that emerge between types or instances of popular music and their most salient surrounding contexts, for instance, along the lines of one of the following questions:
– How does popular music construct worlds of different magnitudes: individual, local, and global?
– Who participates in the making of popular music worlds, and what kinds of power dynamics are involved in the process?
– What is the role of professionalization and labour in the diverse worlds of popular music making?
– How can historical popular music research help us to make sense of sociocultural worlds of the past?
– What are the implications of the phenomenon of ‘world music’ on local and cosmopolitan music making?
– Worlds, scenes, (sub)cultures, communities, collectives: how useful are the concepts that have been interchangeably used within music studies to describe current and past social formations of music production?
– What has been the impact of global economic and socio-political circumstances on popular musicking?
– Does technology construct new worlds for popular music production and consumption?
– How do nations represent themselves musically to the world?
Proposals are invited for:
– Organised panels (3 or 4 thematically connected papers, 1.5 or 2 hours)
– Round-table discussion sessions (3-4 shorter presentations on a given topic not exceeding 10 mins each, chaired discussion, 1.5 or 2 hours)
– Structured workshops (targeting PG students and/or early-career researchers: these could include one or more facilitators focusing on theoretical, methodological, or career-related topics, e.g. publishing, grant applications etc., 1.5 or 2 hours)
– Listening/viewing groups (including audio/visual extracts with minimal or no verbal presentations, 1.5 or 2 hours)
– Individual papers (20 mins + 10 mins for questions)
– Poster/digital display material
Proposals should be sent to by 15 December 2013. In order to facilitate the anonymous peer-review process, please make sure that your proposal follows this format:
1. For organised panels/round-table sessions/structured workshops/listening or viewing groups: please include names, affiliations, and email addresses of proposer/facilitator and individual contributors, abstract for the session (c.300 words) and abstract for each contribution (c.200 words). Make sure that the names of the proposer and contributors do not appear in the abstracts.
2. For individual presentations: please include name, affiliation, and email address of the presenter, and an abstract of no more than 300 words. Make sure that the name of the presenter does not appear in the abstract.
3. For poster/digital display material: please include name, affiliation, and email address of the presenter, a short description of the material, and any technical requirements.
Please keep in mind that this is a primarily panel-based conference, and that organised sessions will be given preference in the review process over individual paper proposal submissions.
Keynote speaker: Professor David Hesmondhalgh (University of Leeds)
Keynote title: ‘Music and the Affective Turn’