IASPM Investigation outcome comms

Dear colleagues,

I am writing with regards to the investigation into allegations of sexual assault against members of IASPM. The investigation has concluded.

In line with our new Code of Conduct, members of the IASPM Executive considered the final investigation reports, as well as supporting evidence. As a result of that process, I can confirm the organisation has taken the following action:

  • Two former members of IASPM have been permanently excluded from the organisation.
  • One member of IASPM has been notified of organisational instruments and behaviour expectations. Their ongoing membership of IASPM is contingent on their confirmation that they have reviewed and understand those instruments.
  • Two complainants have been offered ongoing support.

Due to privacy and confidentiality, I am unable to provide further details.

I would like to thank the investigation team and IASPM Executive for their professionalism and due diligence in managing this process. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the membership for their patience during what has been an unprecedented time for the organisation. I am confident that the organisational change work we have undertaken during the last year will serve as strong preventative measures into the future.

We will continue our work to ensure IASPM is a safe and inclusive space for all members.

Finally, I ask that members respect the outcome of this investigation and refrain from naming individuals, either on the mailing list or on social media. Please refer to our attached Social Media Policy for further information.

