Samantha Bennett was appointed as the new Chair in 29 September, 2022. In between the Chair duties were held collectively by the members of EC.
The EC meets on the third Thursday of every month. The next meeting will be on September 20th, 2023.
The IASPM Executive Committee for 2023–2025 is:
Chair: Samantha Bennett (Australia)
Samantha Bennett is a sound recordist, guitarist and academic from London, UK, and Professor of Music at the Australian National University. She is currently working as a research assistant for Muruwari man Roy Barker Jr on his Indigenous Languages and Arts funded project ‘Muruwari Ngulli Yaandibu’ (Muruwari We Speak), specifically, on the sound recording and sound archiving aspects of the project. Her co-authored book with Associate Professor Eliot Bates (CUNY), Gear: Cultures of Audio and Music Technologies, is forthcoming from The MIT Press (2022), and a short-form monograph, Secrets and Revelatory Discourse in Music and Audio Technology Culture, is forthcoming from Cambridge University Press (2022). She is the author of two further monographs, Modern Records, Maverick Methods and Peepshow, a 33 1/3 series edition on the album by Siouxsie and the Banshees (both Bloomsbury Academic). She is also a co-editor of Critical Approaches to the Production of Music and Sound (Bloomsbury Academic) and Popular Music, Stars and Stardom (ANU Press). Samantha’s journal articles are published in Popular Music, Popular Music and Society, The Journal of Popular Music Studies and IASPM@journal and her technical papers are published in the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society. In 2014, Samantha gave the biannual American Musicological Society Lecture at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum Library and Archives where she also held a research fellowship in 2015. She is on the editorial board of the Cambridge Elements in Popular Music (CUP) series, and an advisory board member and editor of Bloomsbury Academic’s 33 1/3 series.
General Secretary: Beatriz Goubert (Colombia)
Beatriz Goubert holds a Ph.D. in ethnomusicology (Columbia University, 2019). She wrote her doctoral dissertation on Andean popular music as a strategy for indigenous revitalization and recognition in Colombia. Her research interests include popular music and culture in Latin America, language revitalization, cultural politics, intangible heritage, and urban music and migration. She is also interested in digital humanities and is currently developing a sonic map of current Muisca territory with the Columbia Libraries. She has worked and published in Latin America’s cultural politics and music education, including the book Universidad, Músicas Urbanas, Pedagogía y Cotidianidad (Zapata, Goubert, Maldonado 2004). She has also published Estado del arte de la música en Bogotá (Goubert 2009), La chisga musical, avatares de una práctica social en Bogotá (in Música y Sociedad en Colombia, Pardo 2009) and De cantaoras y cantantes: apropiaciones diferenciales del patrimonio (A Contratiempo Journal 2009). She is a member of IASPM-Latin America.
Membership Secretary: Sangheon Lee (France)
Sangheon Lee is a South Korean music historian and musicologist living and working in France, specializing in the history of 20C Anglo-American rock music, as well as popular music theory and analysis. He is also an experienced rock musician and guitarist. He received a PhD in musicology from Gustave Eiffel University, France, in 2022, with a thesis on the early American hardcore punk and its musical/historical context dating back to Chuck Berry’s rock’n’roll—as an extension of his M.A. thesis (University Paris 8, 2015)—, based on the notions of urgency and nihilism. Before moving to France in 2012, he studied French language and literature (B.A. from Korea University, 2004); Richard Wagner’s prose works and the reactions from Fétis, Baudelaire and Nietzsche (M.A from Korea National University of Arts, 2012); and, during this period, he left the academic field for five years to devote himself to his band, Deafening Street, as a lyricist/composer, guitarist, singer, mixing engineer, and producer. Since 2022, he has been working as a teaching and research associate (ATER) at Gustave Eiffel University, France. He is a member of IASPM Francophone Europe and also responsible for the South Korean branch of Punk Scholars Network.
Treasurer: Chris Anderton (UK)
Dr Chris Anderton is Associate Professor in Cultural Economy at Solent University, Southampton, UK, where he also co-leads the Culture, Media, Space and Place Research Group. He received his PhD on music festivals from University of Wales Swansea in 2007. His current research interests focus on music business, music culture and music history. He is the author of Music Management, Marketing and PR (2022, with James Hannam and Johnny Hopkins), Music Festivals in the UK. Beyond the Carnivalesque (2019), and Understanding the Music Industries (2013, with Andrew Dubber and Martin James). He is also co-editor of the books Media Narratives in Popular Music (2022, with Martin James), and Researching Live Music: Gigs, Tours, Concerts and Festivals (2022, with Sergio Pisfil). In addition, he has guest edited special issues of the academic journals Rock Music Studies and Arts & the Market (with Sergio Pisfil), and published in numerous other edited collections and journals.
Web/Publications: Sofia Sousa (Portugal)
She is currently a PhD student in Sociology (with an FCT scholarship) at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto (FLUP). She has worked as a researcher in the CANVAS project. She is a researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the University of Porto (IS-UP). She is also a member of the Organising Committee of the KISMIF International Conference; the General-Secretary of IASPM-Portugal, and the Executive Editor of the journal Todas as Artes – Revista Luso-Brasileira de Artes e Cultura. Currently, she is dedicated to research in areas such as migration, gender, arts, culture, social inclusion and art-based research.
Member-at-large: Catherine Strong (Australia)
Catherine Strong is the Program Manager of the Music Industry program at RMIT in Melbourne, Australia. She is the author of Grunge: Popular Music and Memory (2011), and co-editor of Death and the Rock Star (2015), The Routledge Companion to Popular Music History and Heritage (2018) and the forthcoming Towards Gender Equality in the Music Industry. She has been the Chair of IASPM Australia-New Zealand branch since 2015, and is co-editor of Popular Music History journal.
Member-at-large: Christina Ballico (United Kingdom)
Dr Christina Ballico is a Lecturer in the Department of Music at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. She is the editor of Geographically Isolated and Peripheral Music Scenes: Global insights and perspectives (Palgrave, 2021), and the co-editor of Music Cities: Evaluating a Global Policy Concept (Palgrave, 2020). A Collaborator with the global research NGO Center for Music Ecosystems, she also previously served on the Editorial Board of the IASPM Journal (2019 – 2023).
Member-at-large: Daniel Fredriksson (Sweden)
Daniel Fredriksson is an ethnomusicologist and Senior Lecturer in sound and music production at Dalarna Audiovisual Academy (DAVA) in Falun, Sweden. He earned his Ph.D. in ethnology 2018, with a focus on cultural policy and music in Dalarna, a historical province in Sweden. His research since then encompasses folk music instruments, metal communities in social media, festivals, archives, and interdisciplinary arts. As a musician mostly in the folk and extreme metal genres, Daniel plays the mandola, lute, and electric guitar. He is a member of IASPM Norden.
IASPM Social Media Committee
The IASPM Social Media Committee was formed in January 2021. They manage the IASPM official social media accounts. Please get in touch with them at They always welcome feedback and suggestions for content! Committee members in alphabetical order:
Adriana Sabo, IASPM Communications Committee Representative
Lucy March, IASPM Communications Committee Representative
Ly Quyet Tien, IASPM Communications Committee Representative
Stephen Bruel, IASPM Communications Committee Representative
Xiaodan Zhang, IASPM Communications Committee Representative