C4S – Stories from the Field

Dear Colleagues,

We are looking for submissions for an edited volume addressed to academic and general publics entitled ‘Stories From the Field’ which aims at being a collection of short, autobiographical stories as experienced and written by fieldworkers.

The selected stories should be non-fictional, experienced by fieldworkers while conducting research and/or other workings in their field(s). The definition of ‘field’ and ‘fieldworker’ is deliberately absent to encourage the submission of contributions from various disciplines. 

Stories can be of any nature provided they reflect experiences in the field. Some examples of these could include, but are not limited to:

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VC’s PhD Scholarships at the London College of Music, UWL

The London College of Music, UWL welcomes applicants for our full-time Vice Chancellor’s PhD scholarships, which are open to all UK students (including EU students with settled status) who qualify and include:

  • Waiver of UK PhD tuition fees
  • Payment of a tax-free stipend of £15,000 per annum.

PhD scholars carry out teaching duties for a maximum of six hours per week. Scholarships are for three years (subject to satisfactory performance and academic progress).

You can apply for one of our Vice-Chancellor’s PhD scholarships as part of your PhD application – please state on the application form that you would like to apply for the Vice-Chancellors Scholarship. Deadline 6th December 2021

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Live DMA searching for partners

Call Towards a competitive, fair and sustainable European music ecosystem
Planned opening date 20 January 2022

Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON)

Deadline date 20 April 2022 17:00:00 Brussels time


Projects should contribute to at least two the following expected outcomes:
*Provide new/improved methodologies for capturing the economic and societal value of music.
*Develop indicators to better detect the performance of the European music sector and its contribution to economic and social development, as well as to sustainability. Promote standardised data collection about the music (sub-)sector(s) to measure the contribution of the EU music sector to the whole economy, the number of employed in the EU music sector, and music consumption on live, broadcast and digital platforms.
*Increase the transparency of the music industry, in particular the online/streaming business, through better data provision. Provide an estimation of the impact of music participation to the society.
*Provide policymakers with effective tools for measuring and enhancing the impact of EU policy making, in the context of Music Moves Europe and beyond, on the music sector.

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IASPM D-A-CH Annual International Newsletter

+++German version below+++

Dear IASPMites,

The members of D-A-CH’s executive committee and advisory board are most

delighted to announce the publication of our annual International

Newsletter 2020(+). Like every year, the newsletter reports on recent

D-A-CH-events and provides you with an overview of ongoing projects as

well as upcoming events regarding popular music studies from the German

speaking regions.

You can find the newsletter on our website:


Best wishes,

Steffen Just – General Secretary of IASPM D-A-CH


Liebe D-A-CH-Mitglieder,

Vorstand und Beirat von D-A-CH möchten Sie und euch auf unseren frisch

erschienenen International Newsletter 2020(+) aufmerksam machen. Darin

finden Sie/ findet ihr, wie gewohnt, Berichte über Ereignisse der

jüngeren Vergangenheit, inklusive Ausblicke auf sich bereits anbahnende

Projekte und Events der nahen Zukunft im Kontext von D-A-CH und beyond.

Der Newsletter kann auf unserer Website eingesehen werden. Für die

Nostalgiker*innen unter Ihnen/euch gibt’s hier auch alle anderen

Jahrgänge noch einmal zum angucken:


Schöne Grüße,

Steffen Just – Generalsekretär von IASPM D-A-CH

You may leave the IASPM mailing list at any time by sending a blank email to:


IASPM Annual General Meeting 2021

IASPM Annual General Meeting 2021

Dear IASPM members,

The Executive Committee of IASPM invites you to the virtual annual general meeting (AGM) that will take place on July 1st, 2021, at 12 noon (12 pm GMT+1, London time). The meeting will take place via Zoom. This is the link to the meeting:

Topic: IASPM AGM Zoom Meeting

Time: Jul 1, 2021 12:00 London

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 969 5866 1986

Passcode: 861808

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cfp: AHHE – Faculties and futures for the arts and humanities in higher education

Call for Papers
Special Issue in Arts and Humanities in Higher Education
‘In the name of employability: faculties and futures for the arts and humanities in higher


Guest Editors
Dr Daniel Ashton (University of Southampton, UK)
Professor Dawn Bennett (Bond University, Australia)
Dr Zoe Hope Bulaitis (University of Birmingham, UK)
Dr Michael Tomlinson (University of Southampton, UK)


This special issue aims to examine the faculties and futures of the arts and humanities within the context of global labour market and higher education reforms. We ask contributors to
consider the role of the arts and humanities within the context of work and society, both now and in the near future; the visions and versions of employability that are invoked and responded to within the arts and humanities; and the solutions which might enable the arts and humanities to regain or reframe their centrality. Ten years ago, the edited collection The Public Value of the Humanities (Bate, 2011) suggested that ‘recession is a time for asking fundamental questions about value’ and the contributors did just that with their reflections on the public value of arts and humanities disciplines. This 2021 special issue seeks to examine the intricate connections and global challenges of ongoing recession, pandemic, climate change, national populism, intersectional inequalities, and more. A 2021 review in response to this panoply of crises is an opportunity to explore the continued and growing value of arts and humanities in higher education. It is also clear that this timely exposition and exchange is situated in the idea of what the arts and humanities can offer (Reisz, 2020). As governments and higher education  institutions address the ongoing impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, the value of a university degree continues to be a disputed and debated field. Graduate destinations and employment outcomes have long been factored into the accounts of value and consequences when it comes to the role and function of the arts and humanities higher education (British Academy, 2017; Britton et al., 2020). At the same time, there has been considerable debate and reflection on the economic and social purposes of higher education (McArthur, 2011). Current governmental policy concerning higher education management firmly identifies the question of value with employment. For example, the recent interim response to the UK’s “Post-18 Review of Education and Funding” (Augar, 2020) highlights that skills and jobs are the priority in terms of government engagement in HE reform (DfE, 2021). The emphasis in the UK is on ‘strong graduate employment  outcomes’ (see Adams, 2020) and in Australia, as elsewhere, there is similar identification of the need for ‘job ready graduates’ (Grattan, 2020). The terms of this discussion are reinforced in the responses and reports from a range of scholarly and policy organisations. This special issue explores the position and potential futures for the arts and humanities within this context. Building on the 2017 report The Right Skills, the British Academy’s Qualified for the Future report (2020) sets out how ‘graduates who study arts, humanities and social science disciplines are highly employable across a range of sectors and roles’ with recognised skills of ‘communication, collaboration, research and analysis, independence, creativity and adaptability’. Similarly,  recent data from Forbes (Marr, 2019) and LinkedIn (2019, 2020) demonstrate that industry recognises the benefits of employees with skills learned and developed through critical thinking and creative activity. This also resonates with employers’ discourses around soft skills and other behavioural competencies that add value to workplaces. The ongoing social and economic shifts taking place during the global pandemic will undoubtably influence the skills that are valued in the labour market.

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Call for Chapter Proposals on DJ Cultures in Canada

Proposed Title: We Can Dance If We Want To: Canadian DJ Culture Turns Up

Edited by Dr. Charity Marsh and Dr. Maren Hancock

“As a creative performance, the DJ set has the potential to communicate new ways of being, of feeling, producing musical discourses that are nevertheless embedded in the real-world, material, politics. In this way, DJ practices enable the immediate reconstitution of local cultural identity.” (Rietveld, 2013, 7)

The rousing success of the Art Gallery of Ontario’s “Nightclubbing” panel discussion focusing on the history of Toronto club culture is one of many recent events that illustrates a growing desire to celebrate Canadian DJ culture. Facebook and other social media sites are rife with archival material relative to DJ culture in Canada from the 1980s until the present. And although the first DJ was technically a Canadian (Reginald Fessenden gave the first radio broadcast of music and speech in 1906), Canada’s unique contributions to DJ culture are mainly absent from academic and public discourse. 

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DEADLINE EXTENDED: Call for Editors: JPMS (Journal of Popular Music Studies)


The Journal of Popular Music Studies (JPMS) is accepting applications for two co-editors to begin three-year terms on July 1, 2021. JPMS, published on behalf of the United States branch of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM-US), is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to research on popular music throughout the world, approached from a variety of positions. Published four times a year, each issue features essays and reviews, as well as roundtables and creative works inspired by popular music. https://online.ucpress.edu/jpms

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Rolling call for blog posts, LGBTQ+ Music Study Group

LGBTQ+ Music Study Group

Are you a student or early career researcher with some ideas about queer musicology you would like to share? Then, we’d love to hear from you!

The LGBTQ+ Music Study Group is currently looking for new submissions for our online blog. Submissions can take the form of an essay or any other sort of creative response such as a video essay, a composition, a poem, or a piece of creative non-fiction. We want to uplift the new and exciting voices in the field of queer and trans music studies, so if you have some thoughts to share, we would love to hear them! We especially welcome submissions from BIPOC scholars and musicians and those that address issues of race, ethnicity, and intersectionality.

Submissions are carefully peer-reviewed by an editing committee. For written submissions, we suggest a 1000 word-count, but the limits are truly endless! If you are interested, please send a 200-word abstract to thomas.r.hilder@ntnu.no and we will get back to you shortly. We look forward to hearing from you!

Check out our blog here.