Scholar of Popular Music, University of Guelph

Scholar of Popular Music
School of Fine Art and Music
University of Guelph, Canada

The School of Fine Art and Music (SOFAM) at the University of Guelph is searching for a scholar of popular music, to teach in the areas of popular music, musicianship and/or music theory. With four full-time faculty members and over 20 adjunct instructors, the Music program at the University of Guelph is an undergraduate program offering a BA Honours degree. This is a tenure-track position to start either 1 August 2017 or 1 January 2018. Continue reading

Assistant Arts Professor, New York University

Assistant Arts Professor
Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music
Tisch School of the Arts
New York University

The Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music of New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts invites applications and nominations for an Assistant Arts Professor position to commence in Fall 2017. We seek music industry professionals and/or academic scholars to teach undergraduate courses in the Writing, History & Emergent Media Studies area of the Clive Davis Institute. This is a full-time, multi-year, non-tenure track appointment, renewable based on performance. Continue reading

Associate Professorship or Professorship in Music University of Oxford

Associate Professorship or Professorship in Music
In association with a Tutorship and Official Fellowship at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford
University of Oxford
Deadline for applications: Monday 28 September 2015

The University of Oxford, in association with Lady Margaret Hall, proposes to appoint an Associate Professor or Professor in Music with effect from 1 October 2016 or as soon as possible thereafter. Deadline for applications is Monday 28 September 2015. Further information can be found here:

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Popular Music University of Huddersfield‏

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Popular Music
University of Huddersfield‏
Lecturer: £32,576-£36,643; Senior Lecturer: £37,739-£47,766
Permanent, full-time
Ref: R1676
Closing date: 18 May 2015
Further details

We are looking for a specialist in popular-music composition and performance to join a thriving team teaching Music at Huddersfield. The Department is housed in the purpose-built Creative Arts Building, which provides state of the art facilities. The University is also home to the Centre for Research in New Music (CeReNeM), the Popular Music Studies Research Group, and the renowned Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival. Popular Music at Huddersfield is defined broadly, encompassing Western and non-Western practices, traditions and genres, and including jazz and folk musics. Continue reading

One-Year Instructional Limited Term Appointment Brock University

Twelve-month Instructional Limited Term Appointment (ILTA)
Rank of Lecturer or Assistant Professor
To begin 1 July 2014
Department of Communication, Popular Culture and Film
Brock University

The candidate must have a PhD in hand or near completion. This is a teaching position requiring the equivalent of 8 one-semester courses in Media Communication and Popular Culture. The successful candidate may opt to teach the 8 course equivalent in the Fall/Winter term (4 in each term), or 6 courses in Fall/Winter and 2 in the Spring term. The successful candidate is expected to teach from among the following topics: Introduction to Popular Culture, Popular Music and Society, Popular Music and Youth Culture, Audience Studies, Advanced Topics in Digital Culture, Theories of Mass Culture, Taste and Popular Culture. Specific course assignment will be determined by the successful candidate’s preferred teaching pattern. Continue reading

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer Popular Music

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer Popular Music
University of Northampton
Quote Ref: UN1381
Closing date: 5 May 2014
Further information

The subject of Music and Dance looks to appoint an experienced practitioner and researcher to work primarily on BA (Hons) Popular Music, with a track record of teaching in Higher Education. Applicants should have a particular focus in studio recording techniques and digital audio workstation operation, alongside an in-depth knowledge of popular music as a sector of creative industries. Knowledge of music theory and notation would also be desirable. Applicants will possess a higher degree or equivalent professional experience and research in a relevant discipline. The successful applicant will have a commitment to and experience of teaching and practice-led research.

For an informal discussion about the post contact Gordon Okafor-Ross: Gordon.okafor-ross[at]

Assistant Professor of Music

Assistant Professor of Music (Performance and Music Theory)
Ramapo College of New Jersey
Further details

Ramapo College of New Jersey invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track Assistant Professor of Music in the School of Contemporary Arts to begin Fall 2014. The ideal candidate will lead instrumental music performance courses and develop ensembles as well as teach all levels of Musicianship, Music Theory, Songwriting and Improvisation. The ability to teach core courses for students seeking Teacher Certification or courses in the Music Industry concentration is also desirable. The Music program at Ramapo is oriented toward contemporary music; therefore fluency in diverse contemporary practices including popular, rock, hip-hop, electronic and jazz, in addition to traditional Western music, is required. Keyboard proficiency is required and expertise on guitar is desired.

Assistant Professor in Musicology

Assistant Professor in Musicology
African American Studies Department
College of Arts & Sciences
Syracuse University

The Department of African American Studies at Syracuse University seeks a scholar with training as a musicologist, centered in Black Studies, for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position. Candidates for the position must hold either a PhD or an equivalent terminal degree. Applicants must be grounded in the history, theory, practice and performance of African American musical heritages, including jazz, blues, spirituals, work songs, and hip-hop. Continue reading