Director of Popular Music Program – School of Music

Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts at Arizona State University

The School of Music in the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts at Arizona State University seeks a dynamic leader of outstanding reputation to serve as Director of the Popular Music program. This is a full-time appointment, appointment type and rank based on experience, beginning fall 2020.

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DCU PhD Scholarship in Music

DCU PhD Scholarship in Music

Closing date for research proposals Monday, 10th June 2019

The School of Theology, Philosophy, and Music at Dublin City University is a dynamic and creative learning and research environment with a strong commitment to social and cultural engagement, and world-class research. Applications for a full-time PhD scholarship are welcome in the areas of Musicology, Applied Musicology or Music Composition. The Scholarship provides fees plus a €16,000 stipend per annum for up to four years, subject to satisfactory annual progression. The Scholarship is open to IRE or UK students, EU students, and international students, who will be resident in Ireland for the duration of the degree.
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London College of Music – Vice Chancellor’s scholarships: Deadline 10th of March

The London College of Music at UWL is is creating opportunities for a number of 3-year fully funded PhD Scholarships. These will be available for all eligible UK/EU students. Although we are accepting proposals on a broad range of topics, we have 8 target areas that are:
1. Pedagogical practices in one-to-one instrumental and vocal tuition
2. The non-subject-specific benefits of music education in primary and secondary schools
3. Integrating the teaching of expression into grade level instrumental and vocal tuition
4. Part learning in popular music performance: tacit learning of tacit knowledge in a popular music ensemble context
5. An embodied / ecological approach to audio mixing
6. A creative practice-as-research approach to exploring issues of gender, music and technology
7. 3-D Audio Production
8. Interactive Recorded Music

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WANTED: Musicologists / Music Historians

Call for researchers from a Berlin record label:

“WANTED: Musicologists / Music Historians
Location: Global
Focus: feminist music 1900-2000, primarily within the context of all genres
of ‘popular music’ with lyrics.
We are a Berlin-based record label putting together an international team
for a very unique project: a compilation and global research project
documenting feminist music from around the world over the last century.

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Marie Curie fellowships, popular music studies (University of Oslo)

The University of Oslo’s Department of Musicology invites expressions of interest for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships. The MSCA-IF initiative offers postdoctoral researchers a two-year project that amounts to approximately €200,000. The proposal and project are developed and carried out together with a mentor. Please familiarize yourself with the eligibility criteria.

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Assistant Professor of Music, Northeastern University (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.)

The Department of Music in the College of Arts, Media and Design at Northeastern University invites applications for a tenure-track position in Music at the rank of Assistant Professor. We seek a scholar with expertise in music industries (broadly defined) that complements and expands existing Departmental strengths, including but not limited to: global music industries, business innovation, entrepreneurship, management, marketing, product development, tours and festivals, and arts and social justice. Candidates from a variety of disciplinary perspectives are strongly encouraged to apply for this position. We welcome applicants whose scholarship and teaching might be complemented by real-world professional engagement in the music industries.

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Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Musicology/Ethnomusicology (Manchester, UK)

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Musicology/Ethnomusicology
University of Manchester, UK

£35,550 to £60,410 per annum according to experience

Closing date for applications: 12 January 2018

Music at the University of Manchester is one of the leading Music departments in the UK, consistently ranked in the top three in the principal league tables. We invite applications for a permanent, full-time lectureship in Musicology/Ethnomusicology, tenable from 1 August 2018. Applications in any area of Musicology/Ethnomusicology are welcome, although preference will be given to applicants with a specialism in Ethnomusicology and/or Popular Music (including global popular musics). You will be expected to make a strong contribution to the subject area’s research strategy, including through the publication of high-quality peer-reviewed research outputs and the potential to attract external research funding; to lead undergraduate and Master’s-level teaching and supervision in your field of specialism (including both broad-ranging course units and those offering more focused and intensive study), alongside contributing to teaching in other related areas; to recruit and supervise PhD students; and to contribute to the management and administration of the subject area under the guidance of the Head of Music and Head of Division.

The full advert, with links to the further particulars and the online application system, may be found here:

Informal enquiries about the vacancy may be made to Professor Caroline Bithell, Head of Music:

General enquiries may be addressed to: