UK Members: Post for Research Fellow in Musicians’ Earnings at the University of Leeds

For the UK Members

The School of Media and Communication at the University of Leeds wishes to recruit a fixed-term Research Fellow working full-time from 4 January 2021 until 31 March 2021 on Musicians’ Earnings in the Digital Age, a research project led by Professor David Hesmondhalgh and funded by Research England’s Quality-Related Strategic Priorities Fund (QR-SPF). There is no need to be based in Leeds for the duration of the project, but unfortunately the position is only open to candidates who have UK citizenship (this is out of the control of the research team, as is the duration of the funding).  

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Assistant professor (tenure, electronic music, music theory, composition)

The Music Department of Colby College seeks applicants for a unique tenure-track position in
electronic music, music theory, and composition at the rank of assistant professor, starting
September 1, 2021. The successful candidate will join a small, active, and highly collaborative
department and will have a central role in further expanding our electronic music program. We
seek a dynamic teacher and scholar who will offer classes in music theory, composition, and the candidate’s field of interest, as well as teach students in Colby’s Music and Interdisciplinary
Computation Major (offered jointly with Computer Science). The candidate will also maintain a
strong research trajectory in their field(s) of specialization.

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PhD Scholarships at London College of Music, UWL

The University of West London is inviting proposals for PhDs through the Vice Chancellors scholarship awards. The scholarship includes a fee waiver at the Home/EU rate and a tax-free stipend of £15,000 per annum for three years. 

London College of Music has supervision expertise in a broad range of music and musical theatre subject areas with particular strengths in Record Production, Audio for Virtual Reality, 21st Century Music Practices (particularly Practice-As-Research) and electronic music composition.

These PhD scholarships are open to all UK/EU students who qualify – details at: 

The deadline for applications is 30th November 2020

Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in Music

Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in Music
Academic Years 2021-2023
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

With the sponsorship of the Society for the Humanities, the Department of Music invites applications for a two-year Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship position beginning August 1, 2021. The Fellowship offers a stipend of $55,000/year.

The Department of Music invites applications from scholars working on music and Blackness across Africa and the African Diaspora. While the specific area of specialization is open, we are interested in work that challenges geographic and disciplinary boundaries and that explicitly engages critical race theory and Black studies in innovative ways, through any combination of historical, ethnographic, and analytical methods. The successful candidate will teach two courses per year during their appointment. We expect the Fellow will be able to offer undergraduate music courses and interdisciplinary graduate seminars on Blackness and anti-Blackness in the African diaspora and/or in the specific context of African American experience. The Fellow will participate equally in the Department of Music and the Society for the Humanities’ cohort and will be expected to participate in Department and Society events. Postdoctoral Fellows teach one course per semester. Candidates should propose an introductory, 2000-level course and an advanced, 4000-level course. These courses should be conceived as seminars and can reflect the fellow’s particular research interests. 

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Fred Rogers Music Fellow

The Fred Rogers Center for Early Learning and Children’s Media at Saint Vincent College has a new fellowship.

Fred Rogers had a deep passion for music and composed many of the songs on his television program, Mister Rogers Neighborhood. In honor of Fred Rogers’ love of music, The Gretsch family (of Gretsch Guitars) has endowed a new music fellowship at the Fred Rogers Center. The Gretsch Fellow in Children’s Music will conduct research and develop scholarly work around the ethos and vision of the Fred Rogers Center and its mission “to help children grow as confident, competent, and caring human beings.” You can find more information here: We are seeking a musician with notable credentials in scholarship, education, or a related background

Masters scholarship for BAME students at Goldsmiths

Goldsmiths Department of Music offers a MA/MMus scholarship for BAME students.

There is a dramatic under-representation of black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) music scholars at the academic professional level. The same is true throughout British academia. This full tuition fee-waiver scholarship aims to support a BAME student who intends to progress through postgraduate study and into an academic research position.

The deadline for applying for this scholarship is 9am, 13 July 2020.

Full details:

Full Music PhD Scholarship Dublin City University

PhD Music Scholarship at Dublin City University. The Scholarship comprises a stipend of €16,000 per annum and full fees for 4 years

Proposals that address topics in popular music, music ethnography or music and the moving image would be welcome in addition to other areas of musicology, applied musicology and composition. The closing date is Friday 3 April 2020. Further information and details on the application process can be viewed here.  The scholarship is open to EU, UK and international applications.           

PhD scholarship related to creative music production at the University of Huddersfield

Please note we have a PhD Scholarship in Creative Music Production just advertised at the University of Huddersfield. It is open to a range of research areas and approaches.

Call for Applications

Creative Music Production Scholarship

The Department of Music and Humanities is pleased to invite applications for the Creative Music Production Scholarship and for full and partial fee-waiver bursaries for PhD studies starting in September 2020.

The scholarship and fee-waivers are open to applicants engaged in research on any aspect of creative music production. Projects may be practice-based with a reflective commentary, analytical, theoretical or empirical. Relevant topics might include but are not limited to:

  • creative practice in the studio,
  • sonic signatures,
  • the studio as instrument,
  • genre aesthetics,
  • trends in music production and marketing,
  • performance and collaboration in the studio,
  • the business of record production,
  • professional roles in the recording industry,
  • technological changes in music production and dissemination,
  • affordances of digital music production,
  • gender equality in music production,
  • teaching music production.
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