Job opportunity at Popular Music in Groningen

Dear IASPM community, 

For those of you who might be interested, I would like to draw your attention to a recent job vacancy in Popular Music at the University of Groningen (The Netherlands). 

We are looking for a full-time (permanent) colleague (assistant prof.) for our Popular Music, Sound and Media Cultures program (amongst others) in Groningen. 

Application deadline: August 15th. 

For more information and details, see:

Jobs: Postdoctoral Teaching Associate (Florida State University)

Invitation for applications, appointment effective August 2022

Position: Postdoctoral Teaching Associate

Appointment/Salary: Two-year, 12-month appointment. Salary competitive.

Qualifications: Completed doctorate in musicology, ethnomusicology, or a related disciplineat time of appointment; university-level teaching experience; demonstration of outstanding potential in scholarly research and publication. The candidate should have been awarded a doctorate within the past five years of their appointment.

Desired Qualifications: We especially encourage applications from music scholars with research or teaching expertise in one (or more) of the following areas: twentieth- and twenty-first-century music, contemporary American and global popular music, sound and media studies, gender and sexuality, research and communication skills for graduate students.

Responsibilities: Teach courses from among current undergraduate and graduate offerings and/or in the candidate’s area of expertise. Teaching duties may include music appreciation, modern popular music, and music bibliography. Maintain an active agenda of research and publication, participate in activities related to the academic mission of the university, including student advising and mentoring.

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Gretch Fellowship in Children’s Music Opprtunity

Fred Rogers was a musician and believed that music was a critical component for the development of young people. He used music to build relationships with his television friends. The Fred Rogers Center is excited to announce that applications for the Gretsch Fellowship in Children’s Music for the year of 2022-2023 are now OPEN! Applications will remain open until April 15th, 2022. To learn more about the Fellowship and apply, please click on the link below.

Assistant Professor in Music and Culture

The following job posting at Carleton University in Ottawa might be of interest to IASPM members. Sorry for any cross-posting…

About the Position

Field of Specialization: Music and Culture

Academic Unit:  School for Studies in Art & Culture: Music

Category of Appointment: Preliminary

Rank/Position Title: Assistant Professor

Start Date: 1 July 2022

Closing Date: 15 January 2022, or until the position is filled

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3 PhD Fellowships at the University of Oslo

The Department of Musicology at the University of Oslo invites applications for 3 PhD fellowships in musicology in relation to societal challenges and crises. The deadline is 9 January 2022. The positions are open with regard to time period, geographic area, and musical genre or tradition—which certainly includes popular music topics. Further info can be found here:

Doctoral fellowships in Norway are full-time salaried positions with social benefits. Questions about the positions can be directed to the contacts listed in the job ad, or relevant academic staff.

VC’s PhD Scholarships at the London College of Music, UWL

The London College of Music, UWL welcomes applicants for our full-time Vice Chancellor’s PhD scholarships, which are open to all UK students (including EU students with settled status) who qualify and include:

  • Waiver of UK PhD tuition fees
  • Payment of a tax-free stipend of £15,000 per annum.

PhD scholars carry out teaching duties for a maximum of six hours per week. Scholarships are for three years (subject to satisfactory performance and academic progress).

You can apply for one of our Vice-Chancellor’s PhD scholarships as part of your PhD application – please state on the application form that you would like to apply for the Vice-Chancellors Scholarship. Deadline 6th December 2021

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Lecturer in Music Performance (Hip Hop) – London College of Music, UWL

Lecturer in Music Performance (Hip Hop)

London College of Music

Salary:   £41,201 to £47,169 per annum
Release Date:   Tuesday 02 November 2021
Closing Date:   Sunday 14 November 2021
Interview Date:   Friday 26 November 2021
Reference:   LCM116

The University of West London (UWL) has climbed an impressive 23 places to become one of the top 40 universities in the UK according to the influential Guardian University Guide 2021.

UWL is now ranked 35th in the UK.  We were also the top modern university in London.  In addition, UWL has been named University of the Year for Student Experience in The Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2021.  

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