Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track), Popular Music, Don Wright Faculty of Music, Western University
The Department of Music Research and Composition, Don Wright Faculty of Music, Western University, invites applications for a full-time, probationary (tenure-track) appointment in Popular Music Studies (Production, Creation, Dissemination), at the rank of Assistant Professor. The salary will be commensurate with the successful applicant’s qualifications and experience. The anticipated start date will be July 1, 2023.
An earned doctorate or professional equivalent is required. The candidate will have a specialization in one or more of the following areas: music production for motion media (including film, television, streaming, and gaming), electronic songwriting and record production modalities, popular music performance and production pedagogies, and other areas related to the production, creation, and dissemination of popular music. Professional experience working with musics of the African diaspora or non-Western popular musics is an asset, as is professional experience in all aspects of licensing and music supervision.