GROOVE THE CITY – International Scholars’ Study Session

VIENNA PERSPECTIVES – Art, Urban Space and Social In-/Equality

Urban Music Studies and Digital Humanities

Nov. 16th – 18th, 2022 +++ MUK Vienna

Artistic interventions in public space, the relocation of cultural events and festivals from the city center to the outskirts as well as the intention to achieve an all-encompassing social equality through music and the arts remain a central motive of urban cultural policy. Therefore, the concept of class and various mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion – in  Luhmann’s sense – still operate as parameters for measuring social equality and inequality. In the field of music and urban culture, this situation continually leads to discourses about participation, access and interpretive power – until today and especially after the rupture of the cultural fields caused by the pandemic and since the beginning of the war happening in Ukraine.

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2023 IASPM BOOK PRIZE – Call for Nominations

2023 IASPM BOOK PRIZE – Call for Nominations

Dear IASPM members,

A public award will be given by IASPM for outstanding first books by a single author on popular music, in the categories English and any other language, at the2023 Minneapolis IASPM conference.

Nominations are invited from IASPM members of books they consider to be possible contenders for such an award. Authors nominated should preferably already be members of IASPM, or need to become members of IASPM after being nominated, in order to be eligible. Send your nominations to both of the Chairs of the Book Prize Jury, Andrea Dankić ( and Ali C. Gedik ( November 7, 2022 at the latest. 

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Conference program and registration – Voices in and out of Place: Misplaced, Displaced, Replaced and Interlaced Voices

Dear all,

The International Centre for Music Studies at Newcastle University (ICMuS) is hosting the second biennial Vicarious Vocalities/Simulated Songs virtual conference in collaboration with the Centre for Interdisciplinary Voice Studies, now celebrating its tenth year.

This online conference will take place on the 6th and 7th of September 2022, UTC time. Attendance is free.

To join in the fun, register here:

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Job Announcement: Associate Professor in Musicology (3 years fixed term)

Dear all,

The deadline for the position of Associate Professor in Musicology (3 years fixed term) at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, has been extended until September 15th.

We welcome applications from music scholars with training in any sub-discipline of music studies, and especially those who have a focus on community music, music and health, and music psychology. Please take a look at the full job announcement:

Call for Submissions – SEM Student News, 18.1 (“Fieldwork and Identity”)

Dear Colleagues,

This is the first call for submissions for the Fall 2022 issue of SEM Student News. The theme for this new issue, Vol. 18, No.1, is “Fieldwork and Identity.” After over two years of disruptions and reconsiderations of the fieldwork process brought on by the pandemic, many graduate students, who might have experienced delays, are once again preparing to enter the field. Despite the impending sense of a “return to normalcy,” many of us are finding that the pre-pandemic “field” we may have been prepared for has changed in fundamental ways. This issue of SEM Student News is an opportunity for graduate students to participate in a process of dialogue and exchange about their aspirations, experiences, and adjustments they have made in relation to fieldwork. At the core of this discussion, we hope to center the issue of identity: How have the intersections of our own identity, that of our research collaborators, and that of the field itself changed the ways we are thinking about the past, present, and future of our work? Beyond articles that reflect on experiences or offer novel theoretical considerations of the topic, we particularly welcome pieces reflecting collaborative approaches that promote the forum- and community-based goals of this issue.

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IASPM EC Video greeting at IASPM XX, Daegu

The Executive Committee prepared a longer message to greet the participants and shared the most relevant aspects of the EC’s work. We invite you to watch the video here:


Beatriz Goubert (general secretary, co-chair)
Catherine Strong (member-at-large, co-chair)
Andrea Danick (member-at-large, co-chair)
Ali C. Gedik (member-at-large, co-chair)
Andrew Mall (local committee 2023, co-chair)
Bernhard Steinbrecher (membership secretary, co-chair)
Chris Anderson (treasurer, co-chair)
Keewong Lee (local committee 2022, co-chair)
Kimi Kärki (Web/publications, co-chair)