Progressive Rock: Beyond Time, Genre, Geography…

The 6th Biennial International Conference 

of the Progect Network for Studies of Progressive Rock

5-7 SEPTEMBER 2024

The Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Krakow (POLAND)

The central idea for the Conference would be to combine creatively the two temporal dimensions in which Progressive Rock can be interpreted today: the past – from its genesis and original definitions through an analysis of the PROG classics to an attempt to read it anew; and the future – from meta-genre fusions to a critical post-progressive current. Hence, we suggest several subjects to be chosen by the participants and specific scopes to be included.


1.         Progressive Rock and Metal: Between Past and Future

2.         Experiencing Progressive Rock: Then and Now

3.         Retro vs Post Progressive Rock: Past Reflections and Future Visions

4.         Interpreting Progressive Rock: From Analysis to Recontextualization


  • Roots, Sources and Primal Concepts of PROG
  • Mediating Progressive Rock/Metal
  • Progressive Rock/Metal Fandom
  • Aesthetics of Progressive Rock/Metal
  • Neo- and Post-Progressive 
  • Future of PROG
  • Prog Goes Global ‒ Globalization vs Glocalization of Progressive Music
  • Progressive performance 
  • Between Prog and Jazz: Progressive Jazz ‒ Third Stream ‒ Fusion
  • Progressive as eclectic meta- and post-genre
  • Progressive Genres as Paradox of Pop Culture
  • Other…

The Programme Committee’s plan provides

  • Two Keynote lectures
  • 20-minute paper presentations (in two parallel sessions)
  • Round table discussions
  • Accompanying events
  • Concert, Meeting with Polish PROG Artist

We encourage researchers to present papers that develop an interdisciplinary approach to progressive rock across at least six fields: musicology, sociology, media studies, performance studies, philology, culture studies. We recommend stationary (live) participation. In exceptional circumstances, remote participation will be possible.

Submission Procedure

Scholars are invited to submit proposal abstracts for 20-minute presentations in English to by 15 January 2024 (contact person: Andrzej Mądro). 

Please attach two files to the email submission, both in Word file format (.docx):

1.         a proposal comprising only the paper title and abstract (300 words). This file should not include any identifying information.

2.         a short document providing the following information: author name, institutional affiliation, a short bio (100 words), paper title, keywords, and any audio-visual equipment needs.

All abstracts will be subject to a peer-review process, with authors notified of acceptance by the end of February 2024. The results of the topic selection will be communicated by email, as will any registration information.

Probable conference fee:

Scholars: 140 EUR (full amount),

Students, doctoral students: 70 EUR (50% discount) 

The fee does not include travel and accommodation costs. The organisers will offer assistance in booking accommodation in Krakow at favourable prices.

Programme committee:

Sarah Hill (University of Oxford, U.K.)

John Covach, (University of Rochester, U. S. A.)

Chris Anderton (Solent University, U. K.)

Lori Burns (University of Ottawa, Canada)

Local organising committee

(The Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Krakow):

Agnieszka Draus

Andrzej Mądro

Iwona Sowińska Marcin Strzelecki