2nd International Congress on Ambiances
Ambiances in action
Montréal Canada, 19-22 September 2012
The Congress will be held for four days at the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA), in Montreal, from 19 to 22 September 2012. It will seek to express advances in learning and new hypotheses proposed by the various disciplines and fields of activity which address the question of ambiances. Registration for the congress is still open. Registration is carried out online and payment by credit card is possible.
The second International Congress on Ambiances will be held under the aegis of the Ambiances International Network. The congress, organized every four years, is one of the network’s main events, an international gathering for researchers, artists and players engaged in analyzing the ambiance-related dimensions of the built environment and in the sensory construction of the contemporary world. Many approaches are at work in the field of architectural and urban ambiance, and these multiple contributions nurture its rich diversity. The International Congress on Ambiances aims to give voice to this activity, feeding on work exploring new forms of exchange between what is designed and what is experienced, between the measured and the qualified, the projected and the tested, the material and the immaterial.
The congress program is now online. More than 80 oral communications will be proposed, as well as two invited conferences, a poster session, presentations of videos and outdoor experimentations in Montreal. Linnea Tillet and Elizabeth Diller are the two guest speakers for the 2nd International Congress on Ambiances.