Draft Report
Meeting of the IASPM Executive Committee
October 20-22, 2000 in Turku/Finland
IASPM Executive Committee held several meetings on October 20-22, in Turku, Finland. Two of them were devoted to programming of the 11th biannual IASPM conference to be held in Turku, July 6-10, 2001. Over 180 proposals for individual paper and collaborative panel presentations were scheduled for the program. Non panel events like the Founders event and Nordic music lectures, among others, were also planned. During the rest of the meetings a number of other issues were discussed. Main points include: |
Financial report
Keith Harris presented a relatively healthy financial situation. Reminders will be sent to branches who are behind with their payments. Because of the difficulties in the money transaction process for some individual members, an option for them was discussed. It was suggested that they would be encouraged to choose a national or regional branch. |
2. A
list of notable IASPM persons
Considering the jubilee profile of the Turku 2001 conference, a list of persons with significant contributions to IASPM developments was drafted with the intention that they will be invited to contribute to the celebration of IASPM's 20th anniversary. |
It was reported that the Sydney proceedings are in process and will be in print in the quite near future. Nominations for the possible person to be in charge for editing the next IASPM conference proceedings were made. |
Archiving and possible office site
The idea of building a systematic IASPM archive was raised and discussed in terms of both content and approach. The intention presupposes collecting a variety of data including RPMs, conference proceedings, local newsletters, general meetings- and EC- minutes, web sites, press clippings, posters, photos, audio and video tapes, radio programs, and any other materials concerning the history of IASPM. It was suggested to contact and negotiate with the IPM in Liverpool as a possible home for IASPM archiving and also as a potential office site. |
IASPM 2003 conference
The Executive Committee is in conversation with a number of branches in Europe and North America who may be interested in hosting the 2003 conference. |
Next Executive Committee
The possibility was discussed for the next EC to split the publication work in two streams devoted to the web and to the print publishing. |
7. The
Book Award
After discussing the report of the book award committee, it was agreed that initially the procedure may consider a debut, single author, English-language, self-nominated book. Details about this proposal along with a nomination for a three-member-jury will be submitted for approval at the General Meeting in Turku. |
IASPM Statutes and Rules of Procedure
Some out-of-date statements in the statutes and Rules of Procedure were discussed and updated: the changes will be presented to the membership during the spring for approval at the General Metting in Turku. (For details, see: http://www.iaspm.net/rpm/synopsis.html) |
Membership fee structure
An updated three-step-structure based on the criteria defining the current IMF and non IMF countries was proposed. It will be presented for discussion and decision at the General Meeting. (For details, see: http://www.iaspm.net/rpm/synopsis.html) |
Job network
The idea of creating conditions for a systematic exchange of information concerning new job positions was discussed. |
Contact info book
The need of improving the immediate communication between IASPM members was raised. It was suggested an optimal contact info to be collected and published in a book. |
Levy |
This page last time was updated on
by Heinz-Peter Katlewski.